Monday 4 February 2008

100th Post!

This is my 100th blog post! When I started blogging back in August last year I didn't know how long I'd be able to keep thinking of things to talk about, but it seems in just less than six months I've talked about 99 things I found interesting. Rather than posting anything new or exciting I thought instead I'd look back over the highlights of the first 100 posts.

Looking through the information blogger presents to you when editing posts I can see that I've mostly talked about food (12 posts), photos (25 posts), and strange things I've seen (18 posts).

Based on the number of comments left on each post then the two best posts where about software I wrote: Convert4Frame to help with using digital photo frames (10 comments), and a small utility for controlling the way the BBC's iPlayer software works (14 comments). Interesting that even though I spend a lot of time writing bits of software I haven't blogged about that part of my life too often yet when I do it generates the most comments.

One of the things I like about this blog is the way I can share my thoughts with friends and family that unfortunately I don't get to speak to in person very often. Some of the things have been so trivial that I probably wouldn't have raised them during normal conversation yet doing so through this blog has brought me a replacement corkscrew and more Hungarian paprika!

I hope you have all enjoyed the first 100 posts, and I'll keep blogging as long as I can find interesting things to say.
5 February 2008 at 04:27 , GB said...

I for one enjoy your Blog immensely. Partly because I find it interesting and partly because it keeps me in touch with part of the family I would probably never hear from or see from one decade to the next!

7 February 2008 at 12:18 , Scriptor Senex said...

I can do little but echo my big brother! I find miscellaneous blogs much more interesting than ones which concentrate on one specific topic. Here's to the next 900!

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